Succulents and Sunshine Spring Standoff
We have a winner!
The final round was not a close race, and Anacampseros 'Sunrise' is the winner of the 2024 Spring Standoff!
Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata ‘Sunrise’
It definitely deserves the win with it's unique leaf shape and beautiful pink and green variegation. As the rosettes grow, they can creep outwards as a mat in rock gardens, or in container gardens, it trails over the edge, making it a great “filler" or "spiller.”
Also, as a thank you for participating, you can get $10 off any Snappy Pots purchase of $30 or more, now through April 27th. The discount will be automatically applied once your cart is over $30.
You can get our Instagram-Famous Magnet Planter, a classic planter, along with any other magnets, organizers or Snaps you like.
Each order will also get our not-yet-released fruit set as a bonus!
Thank you again for participating in this year's Spring Standoff! Be sure to check back next year for another exciting lineup of succulents.
Succulents Voted Out
Aeonium ‘Kiwi’ 👑
'Kiwi' is the reigning champion from the 2023 Spring Standoff. Will it take the crown this year too? This delicate succulent has green and yellow rosettes, with pink around the edges. It has yellow blossoms in the summer.
Ceropegia woodii variegata "String of Hearts"
“String of Hearts” is a trailing succulent with cream, pink, and green heart-shaped leaves. Its stem has a purple tone. Tiny tubers form on the base of the leaves, giving it the nickname “Rosary Vine.”
Haworthiopsis fasciata "Zebra Plant"
This succulent is great for your indoor succulent garden. It has thick, dark green leaves with white horizontal stripes on the outside of the leaves. The inside of the leaves are smooth.
Echeveria ‘Lola’
‘Lola’ is a favorite succulent for a lot of people! She’s a really pretty light purple color and has a perfectly shaped rosette. Displays beautiful yellow, bell-shaped flowers in the Spring.
Echeveria ‘Black Prince’
The rosette of this succulent has a deep green to brown color. It is able to be grown indoors, although it will lose its color if it does not receive enough light. Watch for a red flower in fall or early winter.
Senecio rowleyanus "String of Pearls"
This beautiful trailing succulent is easily propagated. It’s perfect for hanging baskets, and can be grown indoors if given proper sunlight. Be careful not to over-water.
Portulacaria afra "Elephant Bush"
Portulacaria afra “Elephant Bush” is a large, bushing succulent with woody stems that can grow to incredible heights when given the proper time, nutrients, and growing conditions. It can also be used in hanging baskets to add “spiller.”
Kalanchoe tomentosa "Panda Plant"
Kalanchoe tomentosa “Panda Plant” is a velvety, green succulent with brown spots on the tips of the leaves. It does very well indoors, and is great for beginners.
Kalanchoe luciae "Flapjack"
Kalanchoe luciae has smooth flat leaves that blush a beautiful red with the right amount of sunlight. It is monocarpic, but easily propagates from offsets.
Crassula falcata "Propeller Plant"
This gray-green succulent has leaves shaped like, you guessed it… a propeller! It always provides a nice contrast when planted with other succulents. It is very prone to rot and needs very well-draining soil.
Echeveria agavoides "Lipstick Echeveria"
This beautiful Echeveria really shows off when it’s been happily “stressed.” Its lime green leaves have red edges, giving it the nickname “Lipstick,” but this succulent gets its species name from the Agave-like shape of its thick, triangle-shaped leaves.
Mammillaria gracilis fragilis "Thimble Cactus"
This beautiful, small cactus has a cylindrical green body covered in interwoven white spines. “Thimble Cactus” grows in clusters, and propagates very easily. You can expect to see tiny cream-colored flowers in cooler months.
Sedum dasyphyllum "Corsican Stonecrop"
This small frost-tolerant Sedum has fat, blue-green leaves. As it grows, it spreads out, creating a ground cover. If grown in a planter, it spills out over and creates “spiller.” It has white flowers, and the leaves blush pink in the Summer.
Sansevieria trifasciata "Snake Plant"
“Snake Plant” is a very common succulent, and one that is perfect for beginners! It thrives on neglect, doing well in low-light, making it perfect for growing indoors. It is a favorite among beginners and enthusiasts alike. “Snake Plant” has wide leaves that grow straight up, tapering to a point at the top.
Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’
This is one of the most beautiful and easy to find succulents. It has a really nice purple-ish color along the edges. It grows well outside in container gardens.
Crassula ‘Tom Thumb’
This tiny succulent adds excellent “filler” and “spiller” in succulent arrangements. It can also be added to living succulent wreaths! ‘Tom Thumb’ grows quickly, with its bright green, triangle-shaped leaves stacking on top of each other. The edges of the leaves turn red when stressed.
Senecio serpens "Blue Chalksticks"
This succulent is perfect for container gardens. If you live in an area that doesn’t experience freezing temperatures, this makes a great ground cover. When exposed to lots of sun and heat, the tips of this plant turn purple.
Aloe juvenna "Tiger Tooth Aloe"
Aloe juvenna “Tiger Tooth Aloe” is a beautiful Aloe with white spots. The spiked leaves stack and form a rosette. When “happily stressed,” green leaves turn reddish-brown.
Sedum rubrotinctum "Pork and Beans"
This fun succulent has bright green leaves whose tips turn a deep red when in full sun. It has a woody stem and displays yellow flowers in the Spring.
Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
This beautiful Crassula has green tubed leaves with bright red tips. While it is commonly sold as a small plant, it can grow to be a large bush. It is sensitive to over-watering, so err on the side of under-watering this species.
Senecio stapeliiformis "Pickle Plant"
This blue-green succulent has slender cylindrical stems with soft spine on the sides. It is a quick grower, but susceptible to scale and fungal infections. Watch for red-orange flowers in the summer.
Crassula muscosa "Watch Chain"
This succulent has leaves that are compacted tightly around the stem. The stems of the “Watch Chain” plant grow into a small bush. It has tiny yellow-green flowers.
Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’
This succulent has grey-green, long leaves that grow outward and then curl back towards the stemless rosette. It grows very quickly, and is easy to propagate. Watch for orange and yellow flowers in the fall.
Cotyledon tomentosa "Bear's Paw"
It’s easy to see where this shrubby succulent gets its name! The thick, fuzzy leaves have 3 to 10 “teeth” at the end, similar to the paws of a bear. When “happily stressed,” the leaf tips turn a deep red.
Graptoveria ‘Opalina’
This fast-growing succulent is a hybrid of Echeveria colorata and Graptopetalum amethystinum. It has blue-green leaves, and when grown in the sun, the edges blush pink. Watch for yellow flowers in the spring.
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii "Moon Cactus"
This cute “mutant” cactus is actually a combination of two cacti, typically Gymnocalycium (the sicon) and a rootstock cactus, such as Hylocereus. The term “moon cactus” typically refers to the yellow and orange varieties, however red varieties can be included.
Kalanchoe daigremontiana "Mother of Thousands"
This well-known monocarpic succulent is perfect for beginners. It is easy to propagate, making it either a weed or an exciting succulent to grow and share with others. The leaves grow tiny bulbils along its edges. When the plantlets fall to the ground, they grow new plants.
Sedum clavatum
Sedum clavatum has round, blueish-green leaves that form a beautiful rosette shape. It works well as a ground cover or in a hanging basket as it produces a lot of stems and chicks. It is easy to propagate from cuttings.
Aloe vera
This succulent is well-known for its medicinal properties. It is bright green with light spots, and has small spikes on the outer edges of the leaves. It grows well in bright light and can be very drought tolerant.
Echeveria elegant "Mexican Snowball"
This Echeveria is one of the most easily recognizable of its species. The light-green rosette does well indoors when given enough light. It is often referred to as “hens and chicks,” not to be confused with Sempervivum.
Gasteria 'Little Warty'
Don’t let the name of this succulent scare you off! This adorable plant is great for beginners, and does well indoors. Small bumps run across thick green leaves, giving it the appearance of warts.