Beat The Winter Blues With These Easy Indoor Succulents
While succulents are really beautiful plants, not all of them will grow well inside with limited light. Succulents generally like a lot of sunlight and many need full sun in order to stay colorful. Fortunately, there are a number of succulents that will happily grow on your desk even if you don't have a bright window nearby. To make things even better, these low-light-loving varieties are also low-maintenance and don't require water very often.
Haworthiopsis fasciata "Zebra Plant"

This is the most classic of the low light succulents. It gets its nickname, Zebra Plant, from the distinct stripes all along the leaves. This is one of the most forgiving succulents and will happily live on your desk for a month or more without water. It needs very little light to stay green and compact.
Aloe 'Doran Black'

If you want something that isn't green, then Aloe 'Doran Black' is a great option. The name is deceiving as it has a unique white pattern and not-quite-smooth not-quite-rough texture on the leaves. Water infrequently and it will stay looking perfect and petite on your desk or window sill.
Aristaloe aristata "Lace Aloe"

"Lace Aloe" gets its name from the delicate strands or teeth along the edges that make it look much softer and more delicate than most other Aloes. It is more prone to rot than other succulents, so make sure you don't let your friends at the office water it when you aren't looking. It will be much happier if only watered occasionally.
Gasteraloe 'Twilight Zone'

If you need something subtly spooky close by while you work, Gasteraloe 'Twilight Zone' may just do the trick. No need to give it a lot of attention, just let it fill a void on your desk. You might even focus on it to relax your mind and help take your imagination into another dimension.
Crassula ovata "Jade Plant"

This classic succulent, Jade Plant or Money Tree, is said to bring good fortune. It's happy to grow in low light areas so keep it with you while you work and see if you get that raise you've been looking for. The leaves of this plant are smooth so you can rub them any time you need to find some zen or a quick distraction from the task at hand.
Sansevieria trifasciata "Snake Plant"

You may not have realized this is a succulent, but "Snake Plant" or "Mother in Law Tongue" is a fantastic option for low light areas. While the specimen pictured here is small enough to fit on a desk, this succulent can get to be several feet tall and is often used to decorate office buildings and hotels.
Haworthia retusa "Star Cactus"

We're not sure why this gets the nickname cactus, but it's clear that Haworthia retusa will be the star of the show on your desk. The transparent leaves on this succulent are fun to look at and it's hard to resist squishing the chubby leaves. Thankfully it doesn't mind a little attention now and then. Just make sure you don't water it too often or it will quickly rot away.
Haworthiopsis concolor

While this succulent might look a bit like Zebra Plant, Haworthiopsis concolor has a more spotty design on it's leaves. You'll find that it's also very low maintenance and can provide a nice sensory calming sensation as you rub the leaves. It has a very sturdy, solid look and feel to it and will do well in most indoor settings.
Mammillaria gracilis fragilis "Thimble Cactus"

While you won't want to pet this succulent during the day, Thimble Cactus is a great desk companion. It rarely needs to be watered and doesn't look like most of the other plants on this list. Bring a little bit of the desert into the office with you and enjoy this little plant on your desk.
Gasteraloe 'Green Ice'

You'll find that Gasteraloe 'Green Ice' is one of the toughest succulents on this list. It has the appearance of smooth leaves but they do have some texture to them. You won't need to water this one very often. It's not uncommon for this succulent to have stripes and spots of white or darker green too.
Gasteria 'Little Warty'

Don't let the name scare you off, Gasteria 'Little Warty' makes a great house plant. It doesn't mind if you forget to water it and can stay alive with very little light. Of course, you can feel all the bumps and warts on the leaves any time you'd like. It doesn't mind at all.
Stop the stretching: How to fix one of the most common succulent problems

If you're growing succulents inside, you might notice they start to lose their color, get more space between their leaves and begin to look more thin and weak. Succulents that start to get tall like this aren't as healthy as they should be and can eventually end up with more problems. Learn how to stop your succulent from stretching so it can grow healthy and strong.
Make sure you don't overlook this critical part of succulent care

Many people who struggle to grow succulents think they have a watering problem. As it turns out, most of them have a soil problem. Using the proper succulent soil will make caring for these unique plants so much easier. Find out what type of soil is best for succulents and where to find it.
If Your Succulent Is Dying, Here's What To Do

There are a number of reasons your succulent might not be looking great. Find out how to tell what's wrong with your succulent and how you can fix it or prevent it from happening again.
Has Your Succulent Lost Its Color?

The succulents in this list can all tolerate low light. But most colorful succulents won't fare so well. There's a number of factors that help keep your succulents colorful, including how much light they get. Even some of these "low light" succulents will look a little better with more light. Find out how to give your succulents healthy stress and bring out their brightest colors.
Learn why your succulent's name is super important

Does knowing the name of your succulent really matter? It definitely can! The more you know about your succulent, the better you'll be able to care for it and the more likely it is to thrive. You have to start by identifying your succulent and then looking up its specific care needs.
This article originally appeared on Succulents and Sunshine.